Unmarried couples gravitated toward big cities such as New York, Chicago, Los Angeles and San Francisco, while the farm states in the Great Plains and rural communities of the Midwest and West remained bastions of traditionalism, according to the survey. 调查显示,不婚夫妇多居住在纽约、芝加哥、洛杉矶和旧金山这样的大城市,大平原农业州和中西部、西部农村的人们则倾向于保持传统婚姻。
Dry farming, irrigation farming, and the cattle and sheep herding are the main ativities of the Great Plains of the American West. 旱地农业,灌溉农业和畜牧业是美国西部大平原地区的主要活动。
Denver is the largest city of the Great Plains. 丹佛市是大平原地区最大的城市。
The American prairies were traversed in the nineteenth century by broad bison roads, made by herds of buffalo moving several beasts abreast, and then used by early settlers as they pushed westwards across the Great Plains. 十九世纪时北美大草原上横亘着条条宽广的野牛之路,它们是成群的北美野牛数头一排并肩迁徙时留下的,后来北美早期移民就沿着这些道路穿过大平原去开拓西域。
America's four 'growth corridors' ─ the Great Plains, the Gulf Coast, the Intermountain West and the Southeast ─ are growing not just because they have natural resources but also because state governments in those regions are significantly more friendly to business. 美国四大经济增长走廊北美大平原、墨西哥湾沿岸地区、山间西部以及东南部地区获得经济发展的原因不仅在于这些地区拥有自然资源,还在于这些地区的州政府对待企业要友善得多。
A member of the Siouan people formerly living in the western Dakotas; the were prominent in resisting the white encroachment into the N Great Plains. 以前生活在达科它西部的苏族人;他们以反抗入侵北部大平原的白人而著称。
It glides past the great plains, prairie, leaving a shadow there; 漫过了大平原,大草原,留下了一层阴影;
I roam out in the open on the Great Plains of North America, mostly in protected areas and private ranches. 我在北美大草原上露天闲逛,大部分是在保护区中和私人牧场。
Now countries which are great plains or which have as a chief means of transport some great river like the Euphrates or Nile tend to become united under some common rule. 现在,那些建立在大平原上的国家,或者以某一条大河,像幼发拉底河或者尼罗河,作为主要交通运输工具的国家,往往在某种统一管理下趋向团结。
"Bisons used to roam through the American great plains, but most of them were slaughtered by hunters." “从前野牛在美国大平原上漫游,但是大多数都被猎人屠杀了。”
Breeds on the northern great plains of Canada. 在加拿大的北方大平原繁殖。
The winds of the Great Plains caused huge dust storms on overgrazed lands. 大平原上刮起的狂风在遭到过分放牧的草原上形成巨大的沙暴。
The settlers that followed the trail blazers on the Great Plains were farmers from "back east" who wore the homemade clothing common to all of the settlements. 紧随着大平原拓荒者移民而来的,是穿着清一色土布衣服的偏僻东部的农民。
A midwestern state on the Great Plains. 大草原上美国中西部地区的一个州。
All across the arid Great Plains there are farmhouses in which there are sea shells sitting on end tables or in china cabinets. 在干旱的大草原上,常可看到一些农舍,里面的茶几上或碗柜内摆着贝壳。
A state in the western United States; mountainous in the west and north with the Great Plains in the east. 美国西部的一个州;西部和北部是多山地区,东部是大草原。
"Mountain" here refers to Mount Omei in Szechuan Province and more generally to the mountainous areas in southwestern and northwestern China. a state in the western United States; mountainous in the west and north with the Great Plains in the east. 〔2〕这里所说的山,即峨眉山,实际上是泛指中国西南、西北部的山区。美国西部的一个州;西部和北部是多山地区,东部是大草原。
Prairie dogs chiefly live in the Great Plains of North America. 草原袋鼠主要分布在北美的大平原上。
Early in the twentieth century, windmills were commonly used across the Great Plains to pump water and to generate electricity. 世纪初,风车被普遍使用在大平原泵供水和发电。使用风力能源的新方式最终传播到世界各地。
Vast regions of grasslands on the Great Plains were depleted by overgrazing. 大平原上的大片草原由于过分放牧而逐渐荒芜。
The great plains are actually the former bed of the shallow inland sea. 大平原实际上是从前海里的浅滩处的海床。
His voice sounded like the wind blowing through the dry grass on the great plains. 他的声音就像风吹过平原上干枯的草地。
The Great Plains state of Oklahoma is called the Sooner State. 大平原的俄克拉荷马州被称为“捷足州”。
A member of one of the tribes of American Indians who lived a nomadic life following the buffalo in the Great Plains of North America. 一个在北美洲的大平原的赶着水牛过着游牧生活的北美印第安部族的人。
The log houses in the Eastern half of the country, the sod houses of the Great Plains, and the adobe houses of the Southwest all followed this principle. 美国东部地区的木屋、大平原的草屋与西南地区的砖屋都是就地取材。
Eurasian grass grown in United States great plains area for forage and erosion control. 生长于美国大平原地区的欧亚草种,用作饲料或控制水土流失。
Shanxi Province is situated at the middle reaches of yellow river, the eastern part of Loess plateau, on the west side of the North China Great plains, and the special climate and soil conditions have created unique ecological problems for Shanxi province. 山西省地处黄河中游、黄土高原的东部,华北大平原的西侧,特殊的气候和土壤条件造成了山西省特有的生态问题。
Like the Great Plains, the vast Mountain and Desert region was a land which people hurried through on their way west. 像大草原一样,广袤的山岳和沙漠地区是当年人们匆匆往西去的路上的一条必经之路。
An inhabitant of a plains region ( especially the Great Plains of North America). 平原地区(尤指北美大平原)的居民。